I have liked construction and heavy equipment since I was a kid, so about a year ago, I bought Synty Studios’ Construction Pack. I didn’t get around to using it until recently. I started dicking around with the vehicles and thinking about how to getting the tracks to work.
The tracks are simple if you only have one vehicle in the scene – all you have to do is move the Y offset in the track’s material. However, any vehicle referencing that material will also have its’ tracks move and it precludes you from getting one track to move more or less than the other as would be the case in turning. So, I cloned the materials on each tracked vehicle and made it a member of the Vehicle class.
You can get some other ideas from the video as well.

I move around in the vehicles by modifying the Unity Standard Assets Vehicle pack – The CarController script to be specific. There aren’t big changes, but things like WheelEffects are not implemented and the vehicle changes its rigidbody by invoking RigidBody.AddForce instead of directly accessing RigidBody.velocity. Turning is also done through Rigidbody methods as opposed to the original way it was done in the car controller script.

Getting into and out of the vehicles is fairly easy and I made a video about that here. That video, incidentally, has accounted for about forty subscribers on my YouTube channel, so I suppose it’s a system a lot of people are interested in. If you just want the code without the video, it’s here on my GitHub.

I created a basic delivery system whereby NPCs will take objects from one place to another. There’s no other way to explain it because that’s exactly what Amazon drivers and any other delivery service does. The implementation is a little more complex because the NPCs depend on a state system where they might be idle, traveling, or in the process of picking up or putting down a package. It’s really simple but when you see two delivery units working together; that is, when one NPC drives its package down the road on a forklift and drops it off for another NPC to pick it up in a wheelbarrow (unrealistic but whatever), it’s at least interesting to see them “work together”.