Categories Gaming

Kahoot as a Tool for English Learners

Kahoot Kahoot is a website that gives you access to various quizzes of different types. There are various ways for a group to respond: You can reorder lists or unscramble jumbled sentences in the Jumble mode, you can take multiple choice quizzes, you can take surveys, and join…

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Categories Gaming

Best Chinese-themed CS2 skins

The Perfect World Shanghai Major for CS2 is just around the corner, and we’re sure to see some Chinese flair during the broadcast. To get into the Major mood, check out our selection of Chinese-themed skins. As always, the CS.MONEY blog is your guide to the world of…

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Categories Gaming

All the secrets of the C4 in detail

The C4 explosive is a critical piece of equipment in Counter-Strike 2, often determining whether a team wins or loses a round. CS.MONEY Blog tell you everything you need to know about C4 in CS2, from how it works to unique tactics and strategies. CS2 has no skins…

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Categories Gaming

Creating an Open World Car Game in Unity

Start by getting into and out of a car. To start, you’ll want to grab Unity; the Personal version is free and comes in a variety of ‘flavors’. Get it here. You’ll be downloading the Unity Hub from which you can then choose a version. Unity Hub Installs…

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